@joey: I never thumb up or down. So definitely not me, I like a good discussion.
The number of people dying from exposure to cold in developed countries is 20x higher than the people dying from exposure to heat according to the Lancet. They also found that less people die during extreme weather events, while more people die when there are gradual changes in temperature (basically it’s the boiling frog analogy).
This number of deaths from exposure has been drastically reduced since the beginning of the industrial revolution due to things like mechanical heat and air conditioning but it’s a lot harder and expensive to heat a cold winter than a few hot days in summer.
People in Australia and places in Europe (Germany and France especially) died a lot from heat exposure last few years because rolling blackouts and poor energy production, basically the green movement towards renewables causes old people homes to be without air conditioning during extreme weather, a condition we haven’t seen since the 1970s.
In California, wildfires are caused by the green movement as well, they demanded no forest management for decades and now the entire underbrush is a dead wood tinderbox. In Australia, 75% of the fires were started by arsonists last year, from kids to climate change activists, dozens of people were arrested. A 2008 study found that in Australia about 85% of fires were triggered by human activity - this includes arson, but also carelessness or recklessness.